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High Jump Video Analysis #2 - How to Fix a Long Last Step and Snapping on the Bar

1) Introduction Hello and welcome to this high jump analysis video brought to you by High Jump Help.

2) Free Review of videos High jump help will analyze your high jump videos for free. Please send your videos to for a chance to have your video reviewed for free on YouTube like this one.

3) High Jump Baby Steps When analyzing videos, we always use the 4 Baby Steps of High Jump, High Jump Helps proven framework to learn how to high jump.

1. Approach

2. Takeoff

3. Knee Drive

4. Overbar Mechanics

The high jump baby steps are in order of importance and each baby step builds off the others, so always do them in order. While coaching, remember a person can only focus on one coaching cue at a time, so while coaching prioritize what one cue you tell your athlete by working through the 4 Baby Steps. Start with the approach and end at the overbar mechanics.

4) Analysis of the Jump


The athlete is too far away from the bar. Because the athlete is too far away, he is reaching for his takeoff spot. When an athlete is long like this, it slows down the entire rest of the jump. Being long on the last step is like putting the brakes on right before a jump. I would tell this athlete to move one shoe up so he can quicken his last two steps.


Next, let’s look at his takeoff. Overall, the takeoff is not too bad. His foot around a 45-degree angle of the mat. He collapses his shoulders into the bar, but that is mostly due to being too long on the last step. I would not tell the athlete anything to work on for his takeoff.

-Knee Drive

Now we will look at the knee drive. The athlete’s knee drive is very good. The only reason this athlete has a decent attempt at this bar is because of how good his knee drive is. Notice how he drives it across his body and to the bar. I would not tell the athlete anything to work on for his knee drive.

-Overbar Mechanics – backbend

Lastly, let’s look at the overbar mechanics known better as the backbend. The athlete can improve on holding his backbend. You can see that the athlete comes down on the bar, which mostly has to do with being too far away and long on his last step. Even so, if the athlete would have held his backbend, he would have made this bar. Watch the athlete’s chin now. Notice how as the athlete brings his chin down, his hips begin to drop as well. This is why it is important for athletes to not look at the bar while jumping. If the athlete was in the correct spot on his approach after the next attempt, I would tell him to hold his back bend longer, by not looking at the bar!

5) Recommended Drills Now let’s talk about what the athlete should work on in practice. The first drill I would have the athlete work on is short approach drills. See the link to the drill on your screen. The short approach helps athletes stay aggressive on their last steps and makes them hold their backbend longer because they have less speed. The second drill I would have the athlete work on is box jumps. See the link to the drill on your screen. Box jumps force athletes to be quick and aggressive on their last steps and gives the athlete more time in the air to practice holding their backbend and not looking at the bar.

6) 2nd reminder Free Video Analysis A second reminder that High jump help will analyze your high jump videos for free. Please send your videos to to have your video reviewed for free.

7) Conclusion / High Jump 101 E-Course If you are interested in educating yourself in the high jump and learning more about the 4 Baby Steps of High Jump check out the High Jump 101 E-Course. A link is below in the description. You can try out the introduction to the E-Course for free by clicking on the video on your screen. For more free resources subscribe to our YouTube channel or visit our website, Facebook page, or Instagram. All the links are in the description below.

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